Keeping Our Eyes on What Truly Matters

I prayed a very simple prayer yesterday morning: “God, help me be friendly to someone who is lonely.” I know that God gives us opportunities to give Him glory, but I usually mess up those opportunities—including the opportunity that He gave me yesterday.

Things on Earth

When the day was almost over, I thought about how I hadn’t been friendly all day. Honestly, I had been focused on myself. And honestly, I had missed out on a potentially wonderful opportunity to share Christ’s love.

Earlier that day, I had noticed a girl sitting all alone at a table that morning literally took a chair away from her table to sit with my friends.

Have you ever noticed your selfishness and your lack of focus on honoring God? That can be a very humbling realization to make.

It’s so easy to lose sight of what really matters in this life. We waste so much time focused on ourselves and what we want.

Ranting about how awful the worship music is at your church. Binging a new TV show that all of your friends are talking about. Taking and re-taking and re-taking photos to post a flawless selfie. Flattering your boss and your coworkers to get them to like you. Spending your entire paycheck on a dress that makes you look like a princess.

Friends, these things are empty—and I must confess that I do these kinds of things daily. Only focusing on our heavenly calling will bring us purpose.

Things Above

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2 NKJV)

It’s so easy to get caught up in everything on this earth. After all, we can’t see the things above. We have no idea how God is working or how He is shaping us. But we must learn to set our minds on heavenly things—and we can start by paying attention to those around us.

God can use you to make a big difference in the lives of others—if you’re willing to set your mind on things above.

This post was originally published here.

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