3 Ways to Become a Godly Wife (Before You Even Meet Your Future Husband)

Perhaps you’re not in a romantic relationship right now, so the “future husband” concept feels abstract to you. Maybe it feels like you’ll never find true love or get married. I feel that way sometimes, too. But a passage from Proverbs 31 actually changed my perspective on my future husband and how I can honor him (and the Lord!), even though I haven’t met him yet. Here are three practical ways that you can become a godly wife—even before you meet your future husband.

3 Ways to Be Transparent in Your Co-ed Small Group

As you know, TTT is a place where God’s Word meets our mess. It’s where I share personal stories + Scripture to encourage you. And I realize I write about the importance of “being real” with others quite often. But I also realize it can be difficult to do that in a co-ed setting, like a co-ed small group through your church. That’s why I want to share three practical ways you can be transparent in your co-ed small group (without being awkward).

3 Biblical Ways to Handle Criticism

It’s perfectly normal to feel deflated when someone criticizes you (or something that you’ve done). Receiving negative feedback can be really hard, even when the person giving it has the best of intentions. That’s why I want to offer you some guidance on how to receive it well. So friends, here are three biblical ways to deal with criticism.

5 Tips for the Girl Who’s Unsure What to Study in College

It's common for high school and college students to struggle with questions and concerns about what to study in college. There’s so much pressure to select the "perfect" major from hundreds of options. I understand if you have decision paralysis, but there are ways to overcome it. As a girl who was unsure what to study in college, here are five tips to help you decide.

2 Ways to Attract a Godly Guy

This post isn’t about what attracts guys in general—because guys who follow Jesus (hopefully) prioritize very different things than guys who don’t follow Jesus. However, this post is about how to attract guys who follow Jesus and two ways you can do that based on 1 Peter 3:3-4.

3 Ways to Pray for the Single Girls in Your Life

I realize several of you who are reading this post aren’t single, so as a single girl, I want to share three ways you can pray for single girls like me. Maybe they work with you or they’re in your Bible study or they babysit your kids. However you know them, know they covet your prayers. And if you’re not exactly sure how to pray for them, here are a few suggestions that I highly recommend.

3 Things That Actually Matter in Your Search for a New Church

As I recently wrote in an open letter to single girls regarding the "church search," there are factors that do matter and factors that don’t matter. Things like worship style, preaching style, sermon topics, seating or décor arrangements, and service times can fluctuate significantly in a short period of time. But the three things that shouldn’t fluctuate—and should be the key factors in your search for a new church—are included below.

3 Tips for the New Writer

But that’s not what this post is about, friends. After all, you can find tons of resources about doing all the things that will potentially lead you to a book deal. But if you want to have a solid foundation for your writing as you embark on this exciting journey, I have a few other suggestions for you.

3 Things That Could Change Your Life in 2023

We’re several weeks into 2023, and you’ve probably been completely bombarded with content about making (and keeping) your goals for this year. I know it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do to supposedly make this the best year ever. Friends, I’m not promising that these three things will make 2023 the best year ever. But it’s very possible that they'll positively impact your life, especially your relationship with God.

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