To the Girl Who’s Tempted to Move In with Her Boyfriend

Your boyfriend has never said anything like that before. He’s always respected your physical boundaries. In fact, you were confident he shared your convictions about saving sex for marriage—which is exactly why you don’t know how to respond to his statement. But you're tempted to say yes.

Dear Single Girl, Your Broken Heart Doesn’t Have to Define You

Even though I haven’t dated anyone, I’ve still had several broken hearts. It feels like unrequited love (i.e., falling for someone who doesn’t share my feelings) has been the theme of my single years. I’ve learned that having a formal relationship isn’t a prerequisite for getting a broken heart. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly easy to get one. If you’ve found that to be true too, this post is for you.

Should You Take Him Back?

In real life, guys and girls break up and subsequently wrestle with serious doubts and regrets. I’d argue it’s particularly common for girls who break up with their boyfriends to doubt or regret their decisions. It’s simply easier to stay in relationships—even unhealthy ones—than to be alone. But does that mean they should take back their boyfriends?

A Clear Sign You’re Dating the Wrong Guy

It was clear to me that Madison lacked respect for her fiancé—and that marrying him wasn’t going to solve that problem. If I could’ve asked her one question after hearing her critical comment, I would’ve asked this: “Do you actually respect your fiancé, or are you just marrying him to check the ‘marriage box' off your ‘life to-do list’?” Honestly, I don’t think enough girls ask themselves that question.

2 Ways to Attract a Godly Guy

This post isn’t about what attracts guys in general—because guys who follow Jesus (hopefully) prioritize very different things than guys who don’t follow Jesus. However, this post is about how to attract guys who follow Jesus and two ways you can do that based on 1 Peter 3:3-4.

Why I Like (and Don’t Like) “Surprised by Oxford”

Though I’d never read Dr. Carolyn Weber’s memoir Surprised by Oxford, I highly anticipated the release of the movie Surprised by Oxford, which was—yup, you guessed it—based on the book. So when I saw it was coming out in theaters for a limited two-day release, I insisted on going to see it. After spending two hours watching a beautiful yet flawed love story unfold, I walked out of the theater feeling a mixture of bliss and disappointment.

To the Girl Who’s Falling for an Engaged Guy

I couldn’t help but notice Liam sitting across the room from me in that small circle of people. He was incredibly handsome, so I immediately tried to catch a glimpse of his left hand to see if he was married or not. To my delight, he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring! But unfortunately, the evening went downhill from there.

Interview with Shelby Abbott

In this video interview, author Shelby Abbott opens up about what his singleness journey looked like, how he met his wife and got married as a 29-year-old, and how his past (and current) struggles have shaped his ministry mindset. He candidly shares how single girls can approach singleness in a God-honoring way. I know that you'll find his story very encouraging!

3 Signs You’re Settling for the Wrong Guy

Oh, how I don’t want you to settle. Because I’ve seen so many girls settle for guys who weren’t necessarily losers but who definitely weren’t winners. They deserved winners, and so do you. So if you think that you might be settling for a guy who’s simply not right for you, here are a few signs to know for sure.

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