How Comparison Cripples Us from Fulfilling Our Calling

Today’s post is from a blogger friend of mine, Ellie McCracken. She’s passionate about inspiring girls to thrive in their relationships with God—as you’ll see when you read her post! Enjoy, friends!

Background Story

I think we tend to brush over the Old Testament and label it as “irrelevant.” But the Lord has been teaching me so many things as I study the minor prophets. I’m currently finishing up Haggai, which is only a few short chapters but is filled with so many incredible truths.

Let me set the stage for you: Although hundreds of thousands of Israelites were taken captive during the Babylonian Exile, only 50,000 of them have been freed. God has called them to rebuild the temple, which is currently in ruins. However, they have very limited money and resources for this project. On top of that, some of the older “volunteers” were around when Solomon originally built the templea grand and beautiful structure—which results in the Israelites comparing their seemingly insignificant and modest efforts to Solomon’s famous and impressive feat. Discouragement grows within the community.

As I studied the book of Haggai, I realized how much I relate to the Israelites. I saw myself in this Old Testament story because I often find myself comparing what I have done and can do to what other people have done and can do. Compared to everyone else, my work sometimes feels incredibly insignificant. I fall for the lie that I shouldn’t even bother trying because someone else can do it better than I can or that my small contribution won’t make a difference. But those things aren’t true or biblical.

At the Core of Comparison

Each and every one of us is unworthy—we all sin and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). At the feet of Jesus, none of us can do enough or be enough to deserve the love He’s lavished on us. Even what the best human hands can do will fall short of His perfection.

Nonetheless, we’re all still equally and uniquely loved, wanted, and cherished by the same God whose love we can never earn or deserve. He desires a relationship with each of us, and He sees everything we do for Him—no matter how “small” or “insignificant.” He wants the little we have, and through that, He can do remarkable things.

If you’re struggling with comparison and don’t believe you can make a difference, I want to encourage you with this truth: Comparison is the thief of joy. You can make a difference, even when you think you don’t have much to offer. Comparison will try to convince you otherwise—stealing your joy in the process—but that doesn’t change the truth that God can use your little to make a big impact.

Jesus recognized and valued the widow’s offering at the treasury—not because it was a large offering but because it was all she had.

And he [Jesus] sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:41-44 ESV)

Everything We Have—No Matter How Much

If we allow comparison to steal our joy, we’re giving the devil an opportunity to cripple us from fulfilling the calling God has given us to fulfill. We must be intentional about rooting ourselves in the Truth—God’s Word—and so He can use it to renew our minds. No matter how much or how little you think you have to offer, offer it for the Lord because He’ll use it for His glory and your good.

If you’re not sure how to begin changing your perspective on comparison (and your calling!), you can start by asking God what He is calling you to do and how He wants to use you. Trust Him with your skills, gifts, and passions. You can also write down biblical truths to combat the lies of Satan and share your heart with a Christian friend or mentor.

Believe me, I know how challenging it is to stay grounded in the truths God has declared about our identity and our purpose. But He truly does have amazing plans for you and wants to use you in unimaginable ways. Offer Him whatever you have, and see how He uses it to make a difference in His kingdom.

Ellie McCracken is a high school student who is passionate about Jesus. She loves running, doing calligraphy and Bible art, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. She blogs at Run the Race

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