A Crucial Question to Ask Yourself as You Select Your Summer Wardrobe

Summer is approaching, so you’re probably starting to make wardrobe changes. It’s time to put the sweaters, jeans, and jackets away, right? Let’s get ready for the heat and humidity!

Before I dive into this post about modesty, I want to say I understand how difficult it is to be modest in the summer—and in every season. I promise I’m not going to tell you how long your shorts should be or what type of swimsuit you should buy. Rather, I’m going to encourage you to consider your relationship with Jesus as you select your summer wardrobe.  

The Question

Modesty is such a tricky topic to discuss because everyone has a different opinion on what’s modest and what’s immodest. That’s why I’m not going to spell out what you should or shouldn’t select for your summer wardrobe. But as you select your summer wardrobe, I do hope you’ll ask yourself this important question: What message am I sending when I wear this?

For example, if you go shopping for a swimsuit and find a bikini you like, ask yourself which message you’ll likely be sending if you wear it:

Message #1: “I have dignity and worth. I not only care about myself, but I also care about the people around me. I aim to put Jesus first in everything I think, say, and do.”

Message #2: “I want to wear whatever I feel like wearing. I want guys to notice me—even if it means they lust after me. I want others to think I’m cool and trendy.”

This question (What message am I sending when I wear this?) isn’t a fun or easy question to answer. As I already mentioned, it’s challenging to be modest—and I’m far from perfect in this area. But we can’t give up on modesty simply because it’s challenging.

How We Answer the Question

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. (1 John 2:15-17 NKJV)

Friends, I’m not saying God loves you more if you wear Bermuda shorts, maxi skirts, and one-piece swimsuits. But I am saying your clothing choices reveal how much you love God. Everything we think, say, and do does.

Modesty sends a message—a message that says, “I’m set-apart. I’m different. I’m a follower of Christ.” Immodesty sends a very different message. Which message do you want to send this summer?

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