Don’t Give Up on Love

This idea of not giving up on love (i.e., not despairing as a single girl) has been on my mind a lot lately. Sadly, many single girls do give up on love—which leads them to become bitter and resentful. Sometimes it even leads them to settle for guys who aren’t God’s best for them. So I wrote this poem about not giving up on love to encourage my fellow single girls—and to encourage my future husband.

I watch people walk past me
Hand in hand
Step by step
Day after day
I can’t help but wonder if they’ve been where I am

I envy their playful banter
The smiling
The teasing
The laughing
It all seems so easy, so natural, so fun

I lost track of how many times I’ve prayed for it
The guy
The relationship
The affection
I still pray for it, but it’s hard

In the silence, I’ve certainly struggled
To wait
To trust
To never despair
Somehow I still have faith that you’re out there

That’s why I’m writing this
To encourage you
To reassure you
To remind you
Giving up on love isn’t an option

I don’t know your name, and you don’t know mine
But God knows
And God sees
And God hears
This is why I haven’t given up on love

It’s okay to wrestle with reality
With disappointment
With loneliness  
With sorrow
Just don’t give up on love

But the Lord watches those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. (Psalm 33:18 NLT)

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